Tarangini Mahotsav at Varagur on 26th January 2012
Every year, in January 26th, varagur bhaktAs were organising Tarangini Mahotsav, inviting eminent vocalists, singers and accompanying artists to come and perform the kritis of NarAyana TeertA sitting in front of the abode of Venkatesa PerumAl, the presiding deity of varagur.
For me, varagur perumAl is our “kula deivam” (family deity) and He is always close to my heart. Not single day will pass without singing ‘ kshemam kuru gopAla”, a famous kriti in Mohanam, in my house.
Tarangam means “waves”. Tarangini singing is like singing the “Krishna leela” again and again as the waves are coming again and again. No raga delineation or neraval or swarams are important.
Any village, who is organising this one day festival will face the constraints of “infrastructure” like conveyance to bring the people, staying, food and see them off etc. Kudos to varagur bhaktAs, they organised without any hiccups.
The performers who came to sing in praise of Lord Krishna are as follows:
Kalaimamani Dr. Sundar and his disciples
Sattur Sisters
Kunnakkudy Balamuralikrishna
Maharajapuram Ganesh Vishwanathan
K.Ramakrishna – a visually challenged devotee came all the way from Mumbai. A small profile about him is given at the end of this review:
Sampathkumar another bhaktAs who came all the way from NTs janmastAn. (he was born)
When he was performing a kriti with “ Jati”, he was telling that while NT singing this kriti, Krishna appeared before him. He started singing this kriti and the Bhattacharya mAmA opened the main door and indirectly acknowledging the fact. Such a power of this Gentleman
The programme started in the morning 7 Am bringing the “chitrapad” (framed photo) of NT from kadungAl, a small river 3 minutes walk from the temple, singing the NT kritis and placed in the temple before starting the programme.
K Ramakrishna
Born with congenital cataract in both eyes, Ramakrishna lost his vision in the left eye due to Glaucoma at the age of 9. Life became tougher as his right eye deteriorated and by the age of ten, Ramakrishna had completely lost his vision. But his self-will disallowed a physical handicap to translate his inner vision of becoming economically independent through a thorough education.
Thus, with the propitious education aid offered to him by Mrs.Rehmad Fazalboy, Development Officer Of The National Association Of The Blind (India), Mumbai and went on to complete his schooling and finished his graduation with top grade in Economics and Statistics. Ambitious, to achieve more, he acquired the Masters Degree in Economics from the Mumbai University, again with a top grade.
That was not all. Just like any other individual he gathered work experience at an Electronic company for 5 years and also became computer savvy after working in a Computer Maintenance company for a year to marched ahead unafraid, to become the first visually handicapped person in the world to compete without special concessions, with other students for acquiring admission for the Masters Program. In 1984, he acquired the Master in Management Degree with a specialization in Finance and distinguished himself as an economically independent employee at the Industrial Development Bank Of India (IDBI), Mumbai.
However, his story is a fine example of the purposeful coercion of financial help for education and technological facilities that were made available to him at every stage of his career. With electronic accessories like the speech synthesizer, text reading machine that converts all printed matter into electronically synthesized human voice, a talking calculator and multimedia computer incorporated with a screen reading program helps him execute his job with ease and efficiency.
A self-willed personality, Ramakrishna today continues to excel in his career with great aplomb and devotes his time in social activities at NGOs like the NAB.
Other Commitments:
Today, Ramakrishna is:
1. One of the Hon' Secretaries of the National Association For The Blind (India), Mumbai and supervises its fund raising activities
2. Member of managing committee of the Victoria Memorial School For The Blind, Mumbai
3. Secretary of the Indian Association For Visually Handicapped, Mumbai
4. Chairman of electronic reading and computer training centers of IAVH
5. Associated with many social welfare organizations engaged in the blind welfare activities as also many religious and cultural organizations
1. One of the Hon' Secretaries of the National Association For The Blind (India), Mumbai and supervises its fund raising activities
2. Member of managing committee of the Victoria Memorial School For The Blind, Mumbai
3. Secretary of the Indian Association For Visually Handicapped, Mumbai
4. Chairman of electronic reading and computer training centers of IAVH
5. Associated with many social welfare organizations engaged in the blind welfare activities as also many religious and cultural organizations
Professional Commitments:
He is also a visiting faculty member with number of management institutes in Mumbai gives lectures on project finance, financial management, equity research, operations research etc. Apart from that he travels as a visiting lecturer to the Jawaharlal Nehru Institute For Development Banking, Hyderabad and shares his expertise in technical, financial and commercial appraisal of industrial project with IDBI and other bank officers.
He is also a visiting faculty member with number of management institutes in Mumbai gives lectures on project finance, financial management, equity research, operations research etc. Apart from that he travels as a visiting lecturer to the Jawaharlal Nehru Institute For Development Banking, Hyderabad and shares his expertise in technical, financial and commercial appraisal of industrial project with IDBI and other bank officers.
When he was performing a kriti with “ Jati”, he was telling that while NT singing this kriti, Krishna appeared before him. He started singing this kriti and the Bhattacharya mAmA opened the main door and indirectly acknowledging the fact. Such a power of this Gentleman.
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