Monday, 27 February 2012

RA Ganapathy attained Mukti

Shri Ra Ganapathi attains Lotus feet of Mahaperiyava

This is to inform our friends that Shri. Ra. Ganapathi has departed our world. The moment of his passing came around 7:30 PM on this auspicious Maha ShivaRatri evening. The family has stated that he was very conscious and aware at the moment of his passing. He started a japam as he started on his way.

He had been well aware of the forthcoming end for the last few days and has shared it with a few people close to him. As many of us are aware, he has written a number of books (over 35) and articles on Satvik matters. His career as we knew it, started with Jaya Jaya Shankara in 1962, which was published as a serial in the weekly, Kalki and was then published as a book. Over 10 in years in Kalki, and over another 25 years as a freelancer, he has written a number of books and articles touching on the life and words of Shri Kanchi Maha Periyava, as also Shri Satya Sai Baba, Shri ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekanada, Sharadamani and Bhakta Meerabai.

He was gifted in the area of music as well and some of his kritis and bhajans have been rendered by reknowned karnatak musicians. Shri Ganapathi never coveted any fame nor material possessions. A number of us have known him to never touch money and have watched his needs and legal obligations being miraculously met over and over for a number of years, long before he had acquired any name recognition.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

A phenomenon called Abhishek Raguram - Part I

A phenomenon called Abhishek Raguram
 Definition of Phenomenon is “observable fact” or “Experience”. Like this, in my life, I have so many      experiences like:
T     Through my father, I have experienced Varagoor perum
       Through shri, Venki, Guru at Dubai, oneness with parAshakthi
T     Through paramAcharyal’s discourse, always felt the in debth knowledge from a messiah of God.
        From my wife, perserverance, kindness, love to the children and bondness etc.,
  I have heard the definition of “phenomenon” through
 ;     Flute mAli playing the instrument at the age of 4. Semmangudi mamA’s worry about his future music career.
       Mandolin Srinivas
       Shashank- Another prodigy in flute.
        T,R,Rajarathinam's Todi
        Ramanujam- Mathematical genius
        MahAtma gAndhi

We can say, genius, God’s gift, icon. – But all these adjectives are possible only if you are blessed by God. I always believe in Creator and some of his wonderful creations.
Recent experience, I had when I was fortunate to listen to a beautiful jati of nArAyana TeerTha’s Tarangam by one Mr.Ramakrishna, a professor of Financial Management in reputed college in Mumbai and visiting professor in various colleges. It is very difficult to sing jati, while playing harmonium and moreover, if Mridangam is not following up, there will be chaos everywhere.
I had written about this visually challenged person in another review of Tarangini festival at Varagoor on the last 26th January. Acharya Rajneesh always contends that 80% of our energy goes thorugh our eyes. When this energy is converged in to your Atma and channelized through Bhakthi, you have people like Ramakrishna.

Abhishek Raguram is, for me, a God send person. I have been listening Carnatic music for the past 20 years. From Ariyakkudi to Semmangudi, Maharajapuram -3 generations, GNB, Mani Iyer. I have the good habit of accepting all these Greats music. My music is not artist-centred, but rAgA-centered. So I always enjoy the beauty of “nAdham” through the Godsend artists like the above.

I had an opportunity to listen to Abhishek raguram live in ratnagiriswar Temple at Besantnagar. Shri G.S.Mani at the concuding speech said “"Edo oru Eashwara Sakthi Npadindrukku, adukku nanga enna solithardu"

Narayanan writes:
jet speed swaras and not a single off key note anywhere. and when he dwelled on the upper registers, oh what a purity of notes. smooth and silken.........he has the most beautiful and dulcet voice on the circuit as on today. and the way he enjoyed the violin and asked the soundman to raise its volume not only here but also when akkarai was playing wonderfully at the jaya tv thamizhisai concert.... the way he obliged with all the song and raga requests with a serene smile...... this man has arrived.

THE HINDU REPORTS- IN THE EVE OF Rasikapriya's 34th anniversary celebrations in Kochi

“Abhishek Raghuram's concert stood out for its trenchancy and verve. The Navaraga varnam of Patanam Subramania Iyer made way to more dulcet compositions such as ‘Muddumomu' in Suryakantham and ‘Saraseeruha ramaiyya' in Mukhari.

The vocalist sang sustained notes of Charukeshi and thus brought out the true raga bhava. The kriti chosen was ‘Adamodigalade,' a composition of Tyagaraja. The vocalist took off to the upper octave with Anandabhairavi and gave the choicest phrases a true Carnatic flavour with long and deep gamakas.

Abhishek sang an unexpected niraval for the phrase ‘Ramanamane' in the Hamsanadam composition ‘Bantureethi koluvu' and proceeded to brisk swaras, which turned out to be one of the highlights of the concert.
The main raga for the evening was the rarely sung Abheri and the kriti was Dikshitar's ‘Bhajare re Manasa,' which is also not too often heard. The brigas were unerring and crisp.”

Abhishek Raghuram's heavy repertoire enthralled his audience in Chalakudy. The audience that sat through a protracted meeting, preceding the recital, heaved a sigh of relief as Abhishek broke into the Begada Adi tala varnam of Vina Kooppayyar, ‘Inthachalamu.'
This was followed by a Navagraha composition of Dikshitar, which gave a new dimension to the recital. ‘Sooryamoorthe' in Sourashtram is the first among this series that invokes the blessings of the Sun.
By selecting ‘Sooryamoorthe' Abhishek gave the audience a rare opportunity to listen to the dhruva (chaturasra) tala. The rendition was alluring.
Swati Tirunal's ‘Samodam chintayaami' in Udayaravichandrika followed with an eloquent alapana. Edappalli Ajith's avartanam of the same was well done. The misra chapu composition was ornamented with innumerable sangatis of the opening line, ‘Samodam chintayami sarasiruhanabham.' The composition also served to highlight the clarity of diction of the vocalist. Niraval of ‘Syanandura nagaree sobhayamana geham' was noteworthy.
Then, the audience had the privilege of listening to a popular Tyagaraja composition in Darbar that was popular in concerts in the past. It was ‘Mundhuvenuka niruprakkala thodai' in Adi

Tarangini Mahotsav at Varagoor

Tarangini Mahotsav at Varagur on 26th January 2012
Every year, in January 26th, varagur bhaktAs were organising Tarangini Mahotsav, inviting eminent vocalists, singers and accompanying artists to come and perform the kritis of NarAyana TeertA sitting in front of the abode of Venkatesa PerumAl, the presiding deity of varagur.
For me, varagur perumAl is our “kula deivam” (family deity) and He is always close to my heart. Not single day will pass without singing ‘ kshemam kuru gopAla”, a famous kriti in Mohanam, in my house.
Tarangam means “waves”. Tarangini singing is like singing the “Krishna leela” again and again as the waves are coming again and again. No raga delineation or neraval or swarams are important.
Any village, who is organising this one day festival will face the constraints of “infrastructure” like conveyance to bring the people, staying, food and see them off etc. Kudos to varagur bhaktAs, they organised without any hiccups.
The performers who came to sing in praise of Lord Krishna are as follows:
Kalaimamani Dr. Sundar and his disciples
Sattur Sisters
Kunnakkudy Balamuralikrishna
Maharajapuram Ganesh Vishwanathan
K.Ramakrishna – a visually challenged devotee came all the way from Mumbai. A small profile about him is given at the end of this review:
Sampathkumar another bhaktAs who came all the way from NTs janmastAn. (he was born)
When he was performing a kriti with “ Jati”, he was telling that while NT singing this kriti, Krishna appeared before him. He started singing this kriti and the Bhattacharya mAmA opened the main door and indirectly acknowledging the fact. Such a power of this Gentleman
The programme started in the morning 7 Am bringing the “chitrapad” (framed photo) of NT from kadungAl, a small river 3 minutes walk from the temple, singing the NT kritis and placed in the temple before starting the programme.
K Ramakrishna
Born with congenital cataract in both eyes, Ramakrishna lost his vision in the left eye due to Glaucoma at the age of 9. Life became tougher as his right eye deteriorated and by the age of ten, Ramakrishna had completely lost his vision. But his self-will disallowed a physical handicap to translate his inner vision of becoming economically independent through a thorough education.
Thus, with the propitious education aid offered to him by Mrs.Rehmad Fazalboy, Development Officer Of The National Association Of The Blind (India), Mumbai and went on to complete his schooling and finished his graduation with top grade in Economics and Statistics. Ambitious, to achieve more, he acquired the Masters Degree in Economics from the Mumbai University, again with a top grade.
That was not all. Just like any other individual he gathered work experience at an Electronic company for 5 years and also became computer savvy after working in a Computer Maintenance company for a year to marched ahead unafraid, to become the first visually handicapped person in the world to compete without special concessions, with other students for acquiring admission for the Masters Program. In 1984, he acquired the Master in Management Degree with a specialization in Finance and distinguished himself as an economically independent employee at the Industrial Development Bank Of India (IDBI), Mumbai.
However, his story is a fine example of the purposeful coercion of financial help for education and technological facilities that were made available to him at every stage of his career. With electronic accessories like the speech synthesizer, text reading machine that converts all printed matter into electronically synthesized human voice, a talking calculator and multimedia computer incorporated with a screen reading program helps him execute his job with ease and efficiency.
A self-willed personality, Ramakrishna today continues to excel in his career with great aplomb and devotes his time in social activities at NGOs like the NAB.
Other Commitments:
Today, Ramakrishna is:
1. One of the Hon' Secretaries of the National Association For The Blind (India), Mumbai and supervises its fund raising activities
2. Member of managing committee of the Victoria Memorial School For The Blind, Mumbai
3. Secretary of the Indian Association For Visually Handicapped, Mumbai
4. Chairman of electronic reading and computer training centers of IAVH
5. Associated with many social welfare organizations engaged in the blind welfare activities as also many religious and cultural organizations
Professional Commitments:
He is also a visiting faculty member with number of management institutes in Mumbai gives lectures on project finance, financial management, equity research, operations research etc. Apart from that he travels as a visiting lecturer to the Jawaharlal Nehru Institute For Development Banking, Hyderabad and shares his expertise in technical, financial and commercial appraisal of industrial project with IDBI and other bank officers.
When he was performing a kriti with “ Jati”, he was telling that while NT singing this kriti, Krishna appeared before him. He started singing this kriti and the Bhattacharya mAmA opened the main door and indirectly acknowledging the fact. Such a power of this Gentleman.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Malladi Brothers at vAni MahAl

Malladi Brothers

Patri Satiskhumar-Mridangam


Palakkad Ramani- Ghatam

Programe at vAni mahAl –conferring award “Thyagabrahma nAda vibhUshan” on Srimad PinAkapAni . It was received by his son Mr.M.V.Gopal.

He rendered all Saint T kritis exept 7

1.slokam followed vidulaku mrokkEda – MayamAlavagowla-

2. ika kAvalasina demi manasA- Balahamsa. (R, S)

3.PantuvarAli Alapana followed by “nArdadamuni”

(N,S) in nArAyana nAamamulanu pArAyana onarinchcu”

4.nAdaditha- Janaranjani-

5. anyAyavu-kApi

6. Main-Begada- “lokAvana chaturA pAhimAm” (S)

7. Antaru neene adi pundarikAksha- Anandha Bairavi-AnnamAcharya

8. pAhi rAma-YadukulakAmbodhi- Utsava sampradhyam kritis.

9. Mangalam.

The concert started at 7.20 PM and ended at 9.30 PM. The delay was because of of speeches given by Shri.Suri Babu, Dr.Pinakpani’s son, Shri.SVK and Sri. PSN and above all , one lady from “Sruti foundation” also released a DVD on rAga vaibhav, a collection of rAgas by Sri.Nedanuri. She started “I came here to request Shri PSN to release the DVD and not to speak” and she spoke for 15 minutes !!!.

Of course, her speech was full of praising Shri.Pinakapani for his valuable speech and rAga delineation which was recorded and released in DVD 2. (current release was DVD no 3). I heard more speech than music .....

“Hamsavinodhini” Subrahmanyam was explaining, sitting next to me, the meaning of nAradamuni Kriti “Golden Veena is shining on nAradA’s white body” and he compared this with one photograph in the hall where paramAcharya is carrying Golden veena.

Two old ladies were discussing about “avul upma” for dinner making me to realise that was Ekadasi day.

Malladi is also giving speech in between giving the meaning of Janaranjani kriti and kApi kriti. Recently, I have observed one of the brothers love to talk more, prasing his gurugAru, other Saints or people sitting around. Hope he concentrates on singing and does not become “male” vishAka hari.

I would not conclude this as “unfair” for starting the concert at 7.20. ( The programme started at 5 PM). Dr.Pinakapani is a great artist and lauded by all the vidwans. But, considering the old people in the hall, the orgainsers had to plan so the rasikas have “satisfying” at least 2 and ½ hours concert.

About the concert- While MMgowla showed the class of MBs, 3 minutes rendition of balahamsa and the return by Varadarajan was truly good.

PantuvarAli’s nAradamuni, a stampld kriti Shri Nedanuri was rendered beautifully. They had to truncate the neraval because of time.

Violin by Varadarajan in begada shows how he is among the top 5 artists today.

He brought some sangathis which Shriramkumar could not render.

They took begada as main because Shri SVK narrated in his speech that he would never forget Dr.Pinakapani’s rendition of this kriti once. He used the word “byAgada”

Tani by Patri was short and well played by both the artists.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

A phenomenon called Abhishek Raguram

Ratnagireeswar Temple, Besant Nagar, Chennai
Date- 15th February 2012

It is part of Sivarathri celebrations. There are always concerts by eminent vidwans before
Sivarathri which falls on coming Monday.

I could not go to Sanjay, Gurucharan but yesterday, I made to AR.

Abhishek Raguram (AR)

Anantha R Krishnan-Mridangam

Vittal Ramamurthy- Violin

Shri G S Mani, Shri.PSN and Shri O S Sundar and few known sabha secretaries gathered for this
programme and GSM echoed our views in the concluding speech.

"AR has imbibed tremendous manodharma in his pAdandhram. While his right brain excels in
manOdharma, his left controls the Thalam and by God's grace, both get synchronised at the
right time and place and the result is ecstacy to rasikas.

As God created rAmanujam for Maths, He has created AR for present Carnatic Music and if
we want to reciprocate "thanks for your wonderful music", please pray everyday monring that
God should give long life and impeccable vocal power to this youngster (AR)"
As Shri PSN felicitated AR and other artists, the programme ended happily with the blessings
of the deity of the temple. Ratnagireeswarar...

This is the FIRST time, Iam listening AR live. I have read many of his reviews in this forum,
other forum and newspapers and listened couple of cassettes. Expectedly, all kritis of Siva.
Lyrics go like this.

1)ThyagarAjAya namastE- Begada- Dikshitar- rupakam

2)Bahudari- a short sketch of rAgam- sadAnandha Tandavam-Adi- Achuda Dasar- swaram in
"muttarum siddharum" -

3) Bairavi-five minutes rAgam followed by "Chintaya mAkandhamoola kandham" - another beautiful
kriti of Dikshitar- Interestingly, he did neraval in "mangalakara mandhahAsa vadhanam, mAnikya
maya kAnchi sadhanam" and swaram in "uttungamanEya vrushaturangam".

4) idadhu padam tooKi- kamas - pApanAsam sivan

5) rAgam-Shanmugapriya followed by pArvathi nAyakane- PapanaAsam sivan-adi & swaram
in "sArvabowmane shankarane"
7) Tani

8) Idu dano tillai stalam-GKB- BehAg.

9) Kumdakriya - rAga for 4 minutes followed by "ardha nAreeshwaram" -Dikshitar.

10) nava sidhi peRRAlum- Neelkanta sivan- karaharapriya

11) chandra chooda- Darbari kAnada - Purandaradasar